Stark County Business News: Jackson Township Fiscal Officer Honored at Annual Crime Prevention Breakfast

 Jackson Township Fiscal Officer Honored at Annual Crime Prevention Breakfast

Jackson Twp Seal 2024

Congratulations to incoming Fiscal Officer Kody Gonzalez in being honored at the annual Crime Prevention Breakfast and receiving the Crisis Intervention Team Champion of the Year Award.

This was the first-year awards were given for crisis intervention teams, which bring together law enforcement, mental health professional, advocates, people living the mental illness and their families and other partners to improve community response to people experiencing mental health crises.

Fiscal Officer Kody Gonzalez was referred to as a “huge advocate” for the crisis intervention teams in Stark County, James Knight, master of ceremonies said.

Kody is the project manager for the Stark County Criminal Justice Information System, a website for records of Stark County Common Pleas Court and the municipal courts of Canton, Massillon and Alliance.

Kody embedded an electronic version of the crisis intervention team form into the system that all county police departments can access.  Completed forms go to a mental health agency for client intervention and stabilization.

“This has streamlined referrals between the law enforcement and behavioral health system.  It has also allowed information sharing between police departments as they have access to other departments’, Knight said.
